Ken Paoli
Composer, Performer, Programmer, Researcher and Educator

Ken Paoli, Professor of Music at College of DuPage, studied composition with Phil Winsor at DePaul University. His graduate degrees are from Northwestern University, studying composition with M. William Karlins.
Ken is involved in archiving and researching the works of American composer Phil Winsor. His paper on Winsor’s “Formosan Aboriginal Legends” was presented at WOCMAT 2016 in Taoyuan, Taiwan and a paper on Winsor’s MAX/MSP instrument, MYST was presented in August 2018 at the International Computer Music Conference in Daegu, South Korea.
Ken’s research interest includes algorithmic composition and his paper titled “Macrostructure and Transition in an Algorithmic Composition Environment” was published in the proceedings of the ICMC in 2017 and his paper titled “Hindemith and Algorithmic Harmonic Generation” was published by the ICMC in 2019.
His catalog of works includes music for orchestra, acoustic ensembles, electro-acoustic combinations and computer-assisted algorithmic compositions. Recent computer assisted compositions include: Spazio Sconosciuto an audio visual work, Sonare for Chamber Orchestra, Noodlin for
Four for Jazz Quartet, Burbs State of Mind, an Algorithmic Rap Work and Harmonic Flux 3 for
Ken remains active as a commercial and jazz keyboard performer and arranger in the Chicago metro area.