Music Wonk Patches
Home-brew Patches
Music Wonk is a graphic construction program that allows for the manipulation of MIDI data. Written by John Dunn (1943-2018), it is a program that allows generative approaches for the construction of musical works and audio installations. The program is now offered as freeware at Algorithmic Arts Download page.
I have included patches that I have used to generate pieces. While it can be used as a stand-alone program I find it allows for far greater sonic exploration if it is ported to a DAW program with a virtual MIDI program (like loopMIDI). I have used this method in Cubase, for composition and in Ableton Live for real-time laptop works.
A Music Wonk patch that generates 4-part algorithmic pieces. A Tempo Grid sets the tempo of the sections. Sections are changed with a logical comparison statement that determines the length of the section. When the tempo change is initiated a number of musical elements change as well (i.e velocity and rhythm).
The user can change the probability curves to alter pitch distribution.